Monday, January 07, 2008


reterning to the neopets sprites: the acara


well I'm bored so I figured: Hey! It's been ages since I blogged! Why don't I do that! So topic I'm going to start with is fanfiction. So far, every story I've searched (on, story being basically anything with a plot, has brought up multiple fanfictions. I think some of the stories might have only yeilded really bad fanfiction, but I can't remember since I don't hang around at bad fanfics for very long. Usually, when I watch/read/play/ect. anything with a good storyline I search for fanfics, fanart (, and videos ( relating to it. I don't always find something on fanart or music videos but fanfiction never fails. Of course if you search fanfiction you have got to CHECK THE RATING! *shudder* My brain is permanantly scarred from some instances when I forgot to do that. Oh speaking of unexpected ratings, there's Stardust. I saw the movie first and it ROCKED, then at the book store I saw the book it was based on. Well obviously I got it. I start reading it and WAM! Permenant scarring on my brain. Problem was, it didn't start right away, and by the time it appeared I was one hundred percent hooked into the story. So I read it anyway. I'm still not sure if it was worth it or not. Oh, one last note: I've actually started a fanfic of my own now. It's based on LoZ: Twilight Princess.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

random thought

Well none of the combinations of D E M Y turn out to be names. Though a few do sound like they COULD be used as names. Demy for example, which by the way is a word that has something to do with the size of paper. Demyx shows up in the Olympus Coliseum by the way a.k.a the world of Hercules. Yaknow I actually used Aka as the name for a character in a video game once. I didn't actually realize that it was a-k-a until the a while in. In both KH and KHII the Olympus Coliseum is a place where characters from Final Fantasy show up. I thought they were origonal characters at first, but then one of my freinds (who actually owns the game) told me otherwise.

Random thoughts

Haven't posted in a while. I've been watching cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts lately. It's alot like watching a movie, with the exception that most of the fight scenes are cut out ^.^ . I have now become an Axel fangirl. On wikipedia, I found an article on Orginization XIII apparently, the names of Org13 members are anagrams of their original names with an X stuck in somewhere. Though alot of the original names have been screwed up in translation. They don't actually tell you Axel's origonal name, but there's only three letters in it once you take out the X so it wasn't to hard to figure out. I basically tried all the letter combinations on this website:
to see if they were names. The only one that is a name Ale (it's finnish acording to the website). So before he turned into a nobody and joined Org13 Axel's name musta been Ale ^.^. I might try and figure out the other Org13 members names that aren't already known, though they'll probably be harder since they have alot more letters then Axel/Ale does. Oh and I also found a very intresting (as in hilarious) video that puts clips of Axel, Demyx, and Roxas to the song crazy frog.
Demyx's character in general is pretty funny. I think I'll try his name next, it's pretty short.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


De Jubjub! This one was easy


I finished another neopets sprite. The eyrie!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

random thoughts

do-da-le-do. I wonder when the next neopets plot is going to come out. The first plot I saw on neopets was Battle for Meridell. I already new about Darigan when I read it because I red the gallery of evil entrys, I remember reading it over and over and trying to figure out what made him a villan. Turns out there really wasn't anything, there were two sides to the first Meridell war and he was on the "evil" side. Then he went crazy when he unlocked the power of the Orb and was killed so he wouldn't destroy the world. Or supposedly anyway. I won't ruin it for you though. Ya wanna find out what happens then:
Darigan was the Lord of the citadel until he was killed by the way. It doesn't make much sense without knowing that. A while after the wars Brightvale turned up. Brightvale is the kingdom next to Meridell and its king is brother to Meridell's king. So after that showed up there were about a million questions/jokes about why Brightvale didn't help his brother in the TWO FREAKIN WARS! That's probly why when the yooyu ball tournaments (sports event involving sixteen world of neopia) rolled around Brightvale's team was actually the dirtiest, lowdown cheaters ever to walk the planet. Except for Squeeky (nickname) who's record was "squeeky" clean.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


new neopets sprite: the Kyrii

second post in the same day w00t!

I started a new game on RPOL
It's called Pokemon: Glitched Reality. If you know what glitch pokemon are then it will make sense, if not then go find out about glitch pokemon:
I wonder if Rose (person who made that site) would be intrested in joining. That would be cool. If you like roleplay then maybe you should check it out. I also have another RPOL game calles The Island of Salavar. Basicly there's an uncharted island somewhere in the ocean that is isolated from the rest of the world. Anyone who got there would think they were landed in the middle of a fantasy novel. It has elves, moonwalkers, calypsans (sp?), dragons, or anything else you can come up with. I play an elf girl named Vora. De other characters so far: a moonwalker named Griveous, a half dragon named Apollo, a calypsan named Hakuro, and named deamon Vincent. None of them are evil. I would LOVE if someone joined.

titles are silly

So I just won LoZ:TP (Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess). BEST GAME EVER! Though I must admit that I haven't played many video games. I don't really like the kind where all you do is move fast and hit your enemys before they hit you, or as I call them: reflex games. LoZ is more about puzzles though there is a certain amount of reflex fighting. I made a sprite of wolf Link in my free time.

Not the best but not too shabby either. I based it off a mightyena (sp?) sprite, the tail isn't right but I don't think anyone's gonna complain. Yaknow I think they shrunk Gannondorf's nose in TP *goes to check* yep, they made it crow-ish instead of pinocio-ish, they also made his skin darker, gave him a beard, and give him a new hairdo. I only complain bout the nose though, it's his defining trait! Yaknow he (spoiler here) kills one of the six sages, but I don't know which one because they all look the same in TP. I heard that it was the water sage but that was some random person and probley a theory.(end spoiler) The Kokuri (sp), Sheikians, and Gerudo (besides Gannondorf) have pretty much dissapeared. There is a skullkid though, and they're sposta be Kokuri that got lost in the (aptly named) lost woods. The Gorons and Zora are still there though ^.^.

P.S. If someone reads this blog that I didn't specificly direct here then please leave a comment just so I know, twould be cool.

P.P.S. the orange pingins will take over the world and the evil bunnys will manipulate them so they're really the ones in control.... and it will rain flaming jello ^.^

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Uni sprites

These are the basic colors of Uni (a neopet).

Darigan Sprite

This charcter is from neopets. Darigan. It looks a little weird but it isn't too bad.


I've been doing modified sprites lately. Sprites are the little pixilated characters used in 2D games. I'm using pokemon sprites and modifying them to look like diffrent characters. Here's some characters from Naruto. They're FAR from perfect though.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Random Thoughts

I found a thing called 8-bit Theater. It's a Final Fantasy parody now putting main characters

Light Warriors:
Black Mage- pure evil
Fighter- likes swords, pure stupid, and imunity to dying
Theif- elf prince, can steal anything that isn't nailed down and on fire (quite literally)
Red Mage- stick someone obsessed enough with FF to learn every single stats detail and such inside the game and you have Red Mage

Dark Warriors:
Garland- amazingly bad at being evil ex:he bakes cookies for the LW when he captures them
Bikke- pirate, think Fighter's stupidity with Theif's greed
Drizz'le- dark elf prince, probly the only one cut out to be evil
Vilbert- vampire, likes roleplay

White Mage- helps the light warriors, BM is in love with her but she hates his guts
Black Belt- White Mage's bodygaurd, can get lost anywhere