Wednesday, April 25, 2007

random thoughts

do-da-le-do. I wonder when the next neopets plot is going to come out. The first plot I saw on neopets was Battle for Meridell. I already new about Darigan when I read it because I red the gallery of evil entrys, I remember reading it over and over and trying to figure out what made him a villan. Turns out there really wasn't anything, there were two sides to the first Meridell war and he was on the "evil" side. Then he went crazy when he unlocked the power of the Orb and was killed so he wouldn't destroy the world. Or supposedly anyway. I won't ruin it for you though. Ya wanna find out what happens then:
Darigan was the Lord of the citadel until he was killed by the way. It doesn't make much sense without knowing that. A while after the wars Brightvale turned up. Brightvale is the kingdom next to Meridell and its king is brother to Meridell's king. So after that showed up there were about a million questions/jokes about why Brightvale didn't help his brother in the TWO FREAKIN WARS! That's probly why when the yooyu ball tournaments (sports event involving sixteen world of neopia) rolled around Brightvale's team was actually the dirtiest, lowdown cheaters ever to walk the planet. Except for Squeeky (nickname) who's record was "squeeky" clean.

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