Thursday, July 19, 2007

Random thoughts

Haven't posted in a while. I've been watching cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts lately. It's alot like watching a movie, with the exception that most of the fight scenes are cut out ^.^ . I have now become an Axel fangirl. On wikipedia, I found an article on Orginization XIII apparently, the names of Org13 members are anagrams of their original names with an X stuck in somewhere. Though alot of the original names have been screwed up in translation. They don't actually tell you Axel's origonal name, but there's only three letters in it once you take out the X so it wasn't to hard to figure out. I basically tried all the letter combinations on this website:
to see if they were names. The only one that is a name Ale (it's finnish acording to the website). So before he turned into a nobody and joined Org13 Axel's name musta been Ale ^.^. I might try and figure out the other Org13 members names that aren't already known, though they'll probably be harder since they have alot more letters then Axel/Ale does. Oh and I also found a very intresting (as in hilarious) video that puts clips of Axel, Demyx, and Roxas to the song crazy frog.
Demyx's character in general is pretty funny. I think I'll try his name next, it's pretty short.

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