Thursday, April 19, 2007

titles are silly

So I just won LoZ:TP (Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess). BEST GAME EVER! Though I must admit that I haven't played many video games. I don't really like the kind where all you do is move fast and hit your enemys before they hit you, or as I call them: reflex games. LoZ is more about puzzles though there is a certain amount of reflex fighting. I made a sprite of wolf Link in my free time.

Not the best but not too shabby either. I based it off a mightyena (sp?) sprite, the tail isn't right but I don't think anyone's gonna complain. Yaknow I think they shrunk Gannondorf's nose in TP *goes to check* yep, they made it crow-ish instead of pinocio-ish, they also made his skin darker, gave him a beard, and give him a new hairdo. I only complain bout the nose though, it's his defining trait! Yaknow he (spoiler here) kills one of the six sages, but I don't know which one because they all look the same in TP. I heard that it was the water sage but that was some random person and probley a theory.(end spoiler) The Kokuri (sp), Sheikians, and Gerudo (besides Gannondorf) have pretty much dissapeared. There is a skullkid though, and they're sposta be Kokuri that got lost in the (aptly named) lost woods. The Gorons and Zora are still there though ^.^.

P.S. If someone reads this blog that I didn't specificly direct here then please leave a comment just so I know, twould be cool.

P.P.S. the orange pingins will take over the world and the evil bunnys will manipulate them so they're really the ones in control.... and it will rain flaming jello ^.^

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