Thursday, April 19, 2007

second post in the same day w00t!

I started a new game on RPOL
It's called Pokemon: Glitched Reality. If you know what glitch pokemon are then it will make sense, if not then go find out about glitch pokemon:
I wonder if Rose (person who made that site) would be intrested in joining. That would be cool. If you like roleplay then maybe you should check it out. I also have another RPOL game calles The Island of Salavar. Basicly there's an uncharted island somewhere in the ocean that is isolated from the rest of the world. Anyone who got there would think they were landed in the middle of a fantasy novel. It has elves, moonwalkers, calypsans (sp?), dragons, or anything else you can come up with. I play an elf girl named Vora. De other characters so far: a moonwalker named Griveous, a half dragon named Apollo, a calypsan named Hakuro, and named deamon Vincent. None of them are evil. I would LOVE if someone joined.

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