well I'm bored so I figured: Hey! It's been ages since I blogged! Why don't I do that! So topic I'm going to start with is fanfiction. So far, every story I've searched (on
http://www.fanfiction.net/), story being basically anything with a plot, has brought up multiple fanfictions. I think some of the stories might have only yeilded really
bad fanfiction, but I can't remember since I don't hang around at bad fanfics for very long. Usually, when I watch/read/play/ect. anything with a good storyline I search for fanfics, fanart (
http://www.deviantart.com/), and videos (
http://youtube.com/) relating to it. I don't always find something on fanart or music videos but fanfiction never fails. Of course if you search fanfiction you have got to
CHECK THE RATING! *shudder* My brain is permanantly scarred from some instances when I forgot to do that. Oh speaking of unexpected ratings, there's Stardust. I saw the movie first and it ROCKED, then at the book store I saw the book it was based on. Well obviously I got it. I start reading it and WAM! Permenant scarring on my brain. Problem was, it didn't start right away, and by the time it appeared I was one hundred percent hooked into the story. So I read it anyway. I'm still not sure if it was worth it or not. Oh, one last note: I've actually started a fanfic of my own now. It's based on LoZ: Twilight Princess.