Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mewtwo's clones

Mewtwo (cloned from Mew fossil)

Charizardtwo (resurected from Charmandertwo)
Blastoisetwo (resurected from Squirtletwo)
Venasaurtwo (resurected from Bulbasaurtwo)

Meowthtwo (cloned from Team Rocket's Meowth)

Pikachutwo (cloned from Ash's Pikachu)
Bulbasaurtwo (cloned from Ash's Bulbasaur)
Squirtletwo (cloned from Ash's Squirtle)

Psyducktwo (cloned from Misty's Psyduck)

Vulpixtwo (cloned from Brock's Vulpix)

Nidoqueentwo (cloned from Fergus's Nidoqueen)
Golducktwo (cloned from Fergus's Golduck)
Tentacrueltwo (cloned from Fergus's Tentacruel)
Seadratwo (cloned from Fergus's Seadra)
Gyaradostwo (cloned from Fergus's Garados)

Pidgeottwo (cloned from Corey's Pidgeot)
Sandslashtwo (cloned from Corey's Sandslash)
Hitmonleetwo (cloned from Corey's Hitmonlee)
Ryhorntwo (cloned from Corey's Ryhorn)
Scythertwo (cloned from Corey's Scyther)

Wigglytufftwo (cloned from Neesha's Wigglytuff)
Ninetalestwo (cloned from Neesha's Ninetales)
Vileplumetwo (cloned from Neesha's Vileplume)
Rapidashtwo (cloned from Neesha's Rapidash)
Dewgongtwo (cloned from Neesha's Dewgong)

on a side note: one pokemon (and the only one) that wasn't cloned there was Togipi, apperently he just wasn't noticed because he was in Misty's backpack