Friday, November 10, 2006

Random Thoughts

I found a thing called 8-bit Theater. It's a Final Fantasy parody now putting main characters

Light Warriors:
Black Mage- pure evil
Fighter- likes swords, pure stupid, and imunity to dying
Theif- elf prince, can steal anything that isn't nailed down and on fire (quite literally)
Red Mage- stick someone obsessed enough with FF to learn every single stats detail and such inside the game and you have Red Mage

Dark Warriors:
Garland- amazingly bad at being evil ex:he bakes cookies for the LW when he captures them
Bikke- pirate, think Fighter's stupidity with Theif's greed
Drizz'le- dark elf prince, probly the only one cut out to be evil
Vilbert- vampire, likes roleplay

White Mage- helps the light warriors, BM is in love with her but she hates his guts
Black Belt- White Mage's bodygaurd, can get lost anywhere

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I found a really funny video. It's called Legend of Link a.k.a. LoL, if you know chatspeak then you'll get the pun. It's based on LoZ (Legend of Zelda). It's made by some random people and it is AWSOME. If you don't know about LoZ then you need to know a couple things: 1. Navi (Link's fairy) is said to be amazingly annoying, 2. in the video games Link doesn't talk but there are a few scenes where the other characters know what he's "saying" when he's not saying anything. Here's de video:

Saturday, September 16, 2006

October eggs

moi new eggs! Parently they're getting a bit more creative on the egg front

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Random Thoughts

I don't think there's any more pokemon in that area that I'll do. I might do some trainer cards: people, places, and items. The other ideas I have are for Evee evolutions and Glitch pokemon. A random story line idea I heard about on a website concerning the glitches was that the were messed up Mew clones. This started cause they were on cinnabar: where the lab Mewtwo was cloned in is. It isn't true but some people have made some pretty cool storylines going along with it.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Rhyhorntwo and Nidoqueentwo had children together. The girls (nidoqueens) were all apperently born fully evolved, this is probley they effect of being offspring of clones.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Random thoughts

I got an Amazon gift certificate for my B-day, with it I bought 2 Tokyo Mew Mew books (3 &5) and Return to the Labyrinth, a Manga that's a sequal to da Labyrinth movie. It's raining again. School started today. I already got homework: Math and Chinese. I kinda wish I got comments on this page. If anyone who reads this knows any good websites that won't give me a virus then I'm open to suggestions. Neopets is doing a plot right now, There's a ship shown up called the Cyodrake's Gaze. One of the crew members are missing: an Ashia named Hoban. Anyone who has info on da plot please comment!


I found this website:

I hope they work here

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I've dicided to put up a mew card as well. In the first movie Mew and Mewtwo are equally strong but the Mewtwo card I have up is of him in Mewtwo returns and he's stronger then.


I haven't posted much on here. I've been on vacation seeing my relitives. My Uncle gave me a movie called Labyrinth for my birthday. I LOVE IT! When I got home I googled the movie and there seems to be two games and a manga sequal based on it. The games don't sound so great but the manga OMG. I went to a camp with some of my cousins and my group made a chinese dragon puppet like in the parades and we proformed in it. It was awsome except for the part where I ran into a tree everybody else had somehow missed, luckly since I was at the tail part no one else repeated my mistake. Ya'know maybe I should do fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards of Labyrinth characters. If that's legal anyway. Pokemon cards of them wouldn't quite fit.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mewtwo's clones

Mewtwo (cloned from Mew fossil)

Charizardtwo (resurected from Charmandertwo)
Blastoisetwo (resurected from Squirtletwo)
Venasaurtwo (resurected from Bulbasaurtwo)

Meowthtwo (cloned from Team Rocket's Meowth)

Pikachutwo (cloned from Ash's Pikachu)
Bulbasaurtwo (cloned from Ash's Bulbasaur)
Squirtletwo (cloned from Ash's Squirtle)

Psyducktwo (cloned from Misty's Psyduck)

Vulpixtwo (cloned from Brock's Vulpix)

Nidoqueentwo (cloned from Fergus's Nidoqueen)
Golducktwo (cloned from Fergus's Golduck)
Tentacrueltwo (cloned from Fergus's Tentacruel)
Seadratwo (cloned from Fergus's Seadra)
Gyaradostwo (cloned from Fergus's Garados)

Pidgeottwo (cloned from Corey's Pidgeot)
Sandslashtwo (cloned from Corey's Sandslash)
Hitmonleetwo (cloned from Corey's Hitmonlee)
Ryhorntwo (cloned from Corey's Ryhorn)
Scythertwo (cloned from Corey's Scyther)

Wigglytufftwo (cloned from Neesha's Wigglytuff)
Ninetalestwo (cloned from Neesha's Ninetales)
Vileplumetwo (cloned from Neesha's Vileplume)
Rapidashtwo (cloned from Neesha's Rapidash)
Dewgongtwo (cloned from Neesha's Dewgong)

on a side note: one pokemon (and the only one) that wasn't cloned there was Togipi, apperently he just wasn't noticed because he was in Misty's backpack

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Meowthtwo was actually the first pokemon that Mewtwo cloned. The funny thing is it was really an accident. When Jessie, James, and Meowth wandered into Mewtwo's lab Jessie accidently turned on the cloning machine and it got three of Meowth's tail hairs and it cloned Meowthtwo while Mewtwo was busy with the six trainers. In the clash between the clones and their genetic "parents" Meowthtwo was the only clone that didn't fight.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Pikachutwo was cloned from Ash's Pikachu. In Mewtwo returns he leads a group that chooses to leave the island. Unluckly this group is stopped by Giovanni and if it wasn't for Mewtwo they would have been captured. The one diffrence he has from picachu is the black markings on his ears. The diffrence probably happened because Ash broke the cloning machine while it was cloning pikachu




Random thoughts

It's raining outside. Yesterday it was raining too, and during the weekend. It's summer break and I don't really have a whole lot to do. My Mom and Dad are constantly checking this site to make sure I haven't put any private information on it. By the way Mom you still owe me allowance. I wonder if that's going to be considered "private information". I'm just randomly babbling now. Blogging is sort of like a reverse diary. A diary is where you put things so you can tell without telling. That doesn't make much sense. A blog is where you tell by telling anyone who comes along. When it was raining yesterday (or maybe over the weekend) there was one clap of thunder that sounded like gurgling, like we were in the belly of a gigantic beast. Now listing websites I like:

Yaknow one of the characters on the Homestar website has a blog. Strong Sad. He seems to have lost his password again (he does that alot according to his blog). At one point He actually posted the password. That would be classified as stupid. He's a weird character but the only one who isn't insane. Mom and Dad must think I'm really weird now. Ya know the I before E except after C rule? Weird (<-rule apperently doesn't apply). I'm going back to posting cards now. I have three left that I've already made.




Along With Mewtwo Three other pokemon were cloned: Charmandertwo, Squirtletwo, and Bulbasaurtwo.


Amber is the daughter of the head scientist of the lab that created Mewtwo. She was actually dead when Mewtwo met her, her father had reawakened her consciousness. Sadly only a little while after Mewtwo met her somehow she faded away.

Baby Mewtwo

The only place you see this version of Mewtwo is in Mewtwo's Origins. It is what it says: Mewtwo as a Baby (some people refer to this version as chibi Mewtwo).

Cyber Mewtwo

When Giovanni, the head of team rocket, created a "partnership" with Mewtwo (really the way he saw it was that Mewtwo was his slave) he fitted Mewtwo with armor to control Mewtwo's power. This is how Mewtwo was seen in the three episodes he is shown in.

Mewtwo Card

Intro Ting

I've decided to use my Blog to show some fake poekmon cards I've made (yes it's legal as long as I don't say they're real). K some people say pokemon is babyish but if your one of those people... I don't really care k? If I cared about babyishness I wouldn't have named this Moi Bloggie Ting (My Blog Thing). I've been doing Mewtwo related cards.

first the basic mewtwo card I made